Agenda2030 surely it’s a myth?
Research these four links, please, we really need to wise up to the plans world governments are implementing right now with no debate - democracy is dead, finished.
Agenda2030 Transforming Our World a directive published by the UN - Tory & Labour are signed up to implementing rhis in all its fulness therefore GB politics is a vote on which party implements Agenda2030 in GB, not a debate about what future we actually WANT! We are not being offered a choice!
We produced a political miracle with Brexit, that is, to reject the United States of Europe, but the reality we need to face is: our future only becomes OURS on leaving the UN and WHO since they are the one world government who expect each country to step in Lockstep, whether at war or peace.
There is no individual innovation unless you step outside the system, offgrid, moneyless, medialess and no politics. World governments have sold out to UN directives with no democracy. Please embrace the truths of this reality before we explore what OUR COMMON FUTURE really means.
Thanks, I know it’s an eye opener, and teally, who wants their eyes opened? 2030 is seven years away, we must keep ahead of their game!