How's things? Feeling the financial crunch? This audio is about you right now, your financial situation, how it came about, what to expect, how to change things, how to smash the illuminati system, just the defeatnwo usuals from Feck 😏
BUT!! I am being harsh and extremely uncompromising today so if you prefer to miss a personal challenge best give this a sidestep
I am NOT criticising your life choices, your way of getting results, I am simply saying that until we get tough and stand up for ourselves we have no chance of defeating nwo and may as well sleep with it, just rollover
Never be content to go where you are taken
Nobody but nobody takes me anywhere, every single minute of my year belongs to me, I can read a person's thoughts, see in the dark, don't get involved with anyone else's shite and am a very powerful individual
Almost nothing phases me
Police and public sector jobsworth dogsbodies know in my presence they are dealing with a supreme authority and they scarper fast, no one has permission to waste my time
Are you a bit wishy washy pleasing all and sundry or do you demand total satisfaction from every second?
The more you demand, expect, take, the more your unstoppable personal power — you can command illness to leave your body for it has no authority there
Everyone in my presence knows deep within I am unusual, a force to reckon with! I suffer no fools, live on purpose and defy incompetence
Get yourself a ream of A4 paper and pen/pencil and write my points - some apply to you, some don't
What will you DO???
Decide how YOU can make more impact 2025
But first take time alone, ideally in nature, to learn who you are and who you intend to BECOME bcos you are a highly inventive interesting intense intuitive invincible individual and you ain't gone nowhere yet!
You have NEVER tapped your true potential
Don't settle!
Buzz! Resonate! Ignite your world (audio contains master tip on how to blow up your house) 💣💥🔥
Quit being a weedy sucker blown hither by every passing wind and TAKE CONTROL the Lady Feck way!
I intend not to offend you but to challenge you with some TOUGH DAMN LOVE!! Kick up arse usual everyday feck stuff
No one demands more of themself than I and I get what I demand, why wouldn't I? I'm not out on loan to anyone
Have a perfeckly rotten Christmas and enjoy my Tuo/Trio Tasting on Friday
Be more, want more, give more, do more
You can hardly do less 🙄😒
Be a little more nosey + develop an eye for incongruent details too
The devil hates a cheerful whistler, get whistling, very powerful self healing skill 😙
Chus 💋