What can beer teach us? All about hand crafted independent products, conglomerate greed, consumer trends, pairing with food and developing your tastebuds, British working history
There are two types of beer, there is ale and there is lager! That's it! It depends on the yeast used - these pale ales are ale and so is stout and today I want to introduce you to a handful of stouts --none taste like guinness, they taste of coffee or caramel or chocolate or orange! They are each reviewed in video here
Click the link above my picture 👆🏻
The book Cask is an excellent read!!
Keep beer live, get out and order a cask draught pint on the pump handles and try some of these bottles at home too, the flavours range from grapefruit to elderflower these days so no longer an old man drink!
I have enjoyed well over 100 pints at over 60 pubs in the last 6 months, making up for the lockdowns no end!
Give it a try! 🍺🍺🍺
Extra bonus audio - why you should try cask real ale - it's not what you think - what I like about it and HOW TO GET BEER FOR FREE IN ANY PUB!! 🍺🍺
My top reason is to source local beers in local places and get out and about!! Cheers!
One more audio! A postscript on memorable pub ales in 6 months 👇🏼
Raise a glass!!
Top tip 💥 Amber Ale is the new on trend term for Best Bitter! A marketing ploy